Homosexual Relationships

Homosexuality means being emotionally and sexually attracted to people of the same sex. Men feel attracted to men and women to women. Homosexual men are also referred to or refer to themselves as gay. Homosexual women are also referred to or refer to themselves as lesbian. Some people are attracted to both men and women. These people are referred to or refer to themselves as bisexual.

Homosexuality can vary greatly between people and at specific times in their lives. Some people know very early in childhood or adolescence that they are homosexual. Some people only have homosexual feelings in one phase of their lives. Some people are attracted to people of the same sex and do not live out these feelings.

2 men being intimate
Lesbian women with their children

Why people are homosexual

We do not know why people are heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual. But some things are certain:

  • Sexual attraction is not a conscious decision.
  • Sexual orientation is not hereditary, like eye or hair color. 
  • Heterosexual people, homosexual people and bisexual people exist in all countries and cultures. However, homosexual relationships are less frequent than heterosexual relationships.

The right to sexual self-determination is officially recognized by many countries. Nevertheless homosexual and bisexual people are not accepted in many countries. Sometimes they are also discriminated against and even persecuted. In Norway and in many other European countries discrimination against homosexual and bisexual people is forbidden by law. According to the law, no one is permitted to treat people differently, to exclude or to discriminate against them because they are homosexual og bisexual.

Telling other people you are homosexual or bisexual

Many who are homosexual or bisexual feel that it is important to tell friends, family and others in order to be accepted as who they are. If you are homosexual, it is your decision whether to tell, when to tell and whom you tell.

  • Sometimes, it requires courage to tell another person that you are homosexual or bisexual.
  • It can be a great relief. You do not have to hide your feelings anymore. First, talk to people who you trust and who you know will accept you as you are.
  • People can react differently when you tell them that you are homosexual or bisexual. Many react positively or neutrally, but some people can also react negatively because they do not accept homosexual people. Nevertheless, no one in Norway has the right to treat you badly or discriminate against you because of it.
  • If someone treats you badly or discriminates against you because you are homosexual or bisexual, you can get help from the Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud.

Same-sex marriage

In Norway and several other European countries, people of the same sex can marry.

2 men getting married in a town hall

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